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Gaza Education System Devastated by Recent Conflict, Satellite Assessment Reveals

Field assessment was impossible due to obvious security reasons and increased access limitations. Hence, the Education Cluster conducted a satellite-derived damage assessment to update and better understand the extent of the damage to school buildings, relying on UNOSAT data.  The methodology classified the probability of damage based on proximity to damaged sites, revealing alarming statistics:

  • 85.8% of schools sustained some level of damage, including Direct hits, Damaged, and Likely damaged.
  • At least 72.5% of schools will require full reconstruction or major rehabilitation.
  • Nearly 29% of directly hit or damaged schools are UN-run schools under UNRWA's jurisdiction.
  • 65.3% of school buildings used by internally displaced persons (IDPs) as shelters have suffered direct hits or damages.

Furthermore, the report sheds light on the distressing revelation that schools are being utilized for military purposes by Israeli Security Forces (ISF), including detention, interrogation centers, and military bases.

The Education Cluster calls for urgent action to protect educational institutions and uphold the rights of children to access safe and quality education, as guaranteed by international law.

This report underscores the critical need for an immediate ceasefire and sustainable solutions to rebuild Gaza's education infrastructure and safeguard the future of its children.

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Distribution channels: International Organizations