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Documentary Redefining the Human Heart Captivates Audiences in Large-Scale Test Screenings

Movie Post for The Heart Revolution

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Following enthusiastic test screening feedback, The Heart Revolution is set to launch its global impact campaign in spring 2025

After years of research and production, this large-scale audience feedback confirms our feeling that a new view on the human heart could lead the way into a brighter future.
— Benedikt Just, Producer-Director
LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, November 20, 2024 / -- The filmmakers invited people from all walks of life interested in science and spirituality, and professionals working in health care, education, and faith, to participate in surveys after confidential virtual screenings.

"We did not expect such an enthusiastic response to our film, particularly from professionals in certain fields," says producer-director Benedikt Just.

Of 1,047 respondents, 75% reported that "the film positively changed my view on human connection" or "the connection between humans and Earth." 72% gained a fresh perspective on "human potential" or "what it means to be human," while 89% said they felt inspired, uplifted, or empowered.

"After years of research and production, this large-scale audience feedback confirms our feeling that a new view on the human heart could lead the way into a brighter future," Just added.

The filmmakers describe their work as a poetic science documentary, blending science and spirituality into a reflective, transcendent exploration of the purpose of the human heart. From before the first heartbeat to beyond the last, the film explores the seemingly answered question, 'What does our heart do?'

The Heart Revolution is the first documentary to present the revolutionary scientific findings from experts such as Prof. Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington and Dr. Rollin McCraty, scientific director of the HeartMath Institute. The film also features psychologist Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty, Sufi teacher Kabir Helminski and other thought leaders. By weaving together paradigm-changing insights from these experts, the film redefines the role of the human heart. 

"In a time where experts claim that AI will soon be smarter than humans, do things better than humans, and we should insert chips into our brains to co-evolve with AI, the question 'What makes us human?', I think, is more important than ever." says Just.

The filmmakers are preparing a global impact campaign with several innovative elements. Their mission is to ignite a cross-cultural, multidisciplinary conversation about the heart's nature and potential, exploring how its redefinition can help humanity flourish and tackle pressing global issues.

The Heart Revolution is a co-production between Striking Wonder Productions and Beautyfull Life Films.

The Heart Revolution website:

About Striking Wonder Productions
Striking Wonder Productions (SWP) produces the Wonderstruck podcast with Elizabeth Rovere, independent films, lectures, and symposiums to spark and facilitate explorations of extraordinary phenomena that evoke deep wonder and awe.

About Beautyfull Life Films
Beautyfull Life Films specializes in "poetic science documentaries," weaving together cutting-edge scientific research, spirituality, and extraordinary stories to entertain and inspire fresh perspectives on life's fundamental questions.


Benedikt Just
Beautyfull Life FIlms
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Distribution channels: Culture, Society & Lifestyle, Education, Movie Industry, Religion, Science