This will be the 4th annual Divorce With Respect Week®
Go to www.divorcewithrespectweek.com to schedule a free consultation with Mary Jones during Divorce With Respect Week®.
Collaborative Divorce helps divorcing couples to work together to resolve the issues in their divorce,— Jones
AUSTIN , TX, UNITED STATES, February 10, 2025 /
EINPresswire.com/ -- Austin family law attorney Mary Jones will offer free 30-minute divorce consultations during Divorce With Respect Week
® from March 3-9, 2025. This nationwide initiative was created to provide the opportunity to learn more about options for divorce other than going to court.
“Divorce is a life-changing event, but it doesn't have to tear families apart,” said Jones. “Collaborative Divorce helps divorcing couples to work together to resolve the issues in their divorce. This divorce process is designed to address the best interests of the divorcing couple and their children.”
Mary Jones has been helping to resolve Austin area family law cases for more than 25 years. She has a long standing focus in all aspects of family law and Collaborative Divorce. Visit
https://maryjonesfamilylaw.com/ to learn more about Jones and the services she offers.
Go to
www.divorcewithrespectweek.com to schedule a free consultation with Mary Jones during Divorce With Respect Week
®. This year the Divorce With Respect Week
® website will include divorce professionals across the United States that are participating in this effort to grow awareness of the Collaborative Divorce process.
Timothy Crouch
The Crouch Group
+1 940-383-1990
email us here