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March 16, 2025 March 16, 2025

School division to participate in curriculum piloting

Posted on March 13, 2025 by Taber Times

By Cal Braid
Taber Times
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Alberta Education is in the development stages of a new curriculum for Grades 7 to 9 mathematics, Grades 7 to 9 social studies, Grades 7 to 10 physical education and wellness, and CALM (career and life management).

 The Horizon School Division is participating in the province-wide process and Terri-Lynn Duncan, associate superintendent learner services at HSD, gave an update after the division’s Feb. 24 board meeting.

 “During the 2024/25 school year, education stakeholders will provide feedback to Alberta Education on the draft curriculum,” she said. “As part of the draft curriculum engagement, Alberta Education will seek feedback from education stakeholders, and subject experts will provide feedback on content related to career education, financial literacy, basic life skills, and home maintenance.”

 Duncan said that teachers “will be invited and have opportunities to pilot the four subjects during the 2025/2026 school year.” The draft curriculum for the four subjects will be released in the spring of 2025 to prepare for the optional classroom piloting.

 The Province wants teachers to provide input on how it can effectively organize the content and courses to meet students’ needs for educational success and career readiness. One overarching goal is ensure continuity as the curriculum renewal progresses from elementary to junior high school.

 Alberta Education intends to continue using a phased approach to develop curriculum for the remaining grades and subjects.

 The 2025 piloting is scheduled to occurs as follows:

-new draft curriculum will be released in spring 2025 and optional piloting will take place during the 2025/26 school year for Grades 7 to 9 mathematics and social studies and for future Grades 7 to 10 courses in the other disciplines.

 Following the release of the drafted curriculum in the spring of 2026, optional piloting will take place during the 2026/27 school year for:

-Grades 7 to 9 English language arts and literature; French first language and literature; French immersion language arts and literature; and science.

-Grade 10 social studies.

New curriculum is expected to be implemented in the 2026/27 school year for:

-Grades 7 to 9 mathematics and social studies.

-Grades 7 to 10 courses that include content on physical education, wellness, career education, financial literacy, basic life skills and home maintenance skills.

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