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NH Chronicle: How FIRST makes STEM learning a Blast

Young minds hard at work, putting their science and technology brains to the test

NH Chronicle: How FIRST makes STEM learning a Blast

Young minds hard at work, putting their science and technology brains to the test

Inventor and Entrepreneur Dean Kamen founded FIRST in 1989 with the goal to "create a world where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes." Teams of High Schoolers and their mentors work to solve a common problem in six weeks using a kit of parts and a common set of rules. The final competition is like a varsity sporting event and Jean Mackin checked out what all the cheers and excitement were all about. The Danbury Country Store is a community staple. The current owners bought it about ten years ago and had worked there as kids when their parents ran the store. As Karen Meyers tells us, they've been able to recreate the magic of the past. On Fritz Wetherbee's New Hampshire: The County Seat of Newport For more information on tonight's stories: FIRSTDanbury Country StoreHosting this week from:Intervale Farm Pancake HouseHenniker, NH

Inventor and Entrepreneur Dean Kamen founded FIRST in 1989 with the goal to "create a world where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes." Teams of High Schoolers and their mentors work to solve a common problem in six weeks using a kit of parts and a common set of rules. The final competition is like a varsity sporting event and Jean Mackin checked out what all the cheers and excitement were all about.

The Danbury Country Store is a community staple. The current owners bought it about ten years ago and had worked there as kids when their parents ran the store. As Karen Meyers tells us, they've been able to recreate the magic of the past.


On Fritz Wetherbee's New Hampshire: The County Seat of Newport

For more information on tonight's stories:


Danbury Country Store

Hosting this week from:

Intervale Farm Pancake House

Henniker, NH