A school in South Harting is celebrating after scoring top marks in its latest Ofsted report after an inspection in January.

Harting C of E Primary School received ‘good’ in all areas, which includes quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.

In addition to the school being recognised for having a broad and ambitious curriculum for all children. The inspection team spoke highly about the music provision and the impact the Year 5 and 6 brass band has on the whole school community, as well as the range of extra-curricular activities. The band was highlighted in the previous Ofsted report.

Headteacher Nick Tidey said: “With the release of the final report, and news of the school's new gradings, I want to extend my thanks to everyone that has played a role in enabling the school to progress so rapidly on its journey over the past three and a half years.

“It is because of this commitment and support from the whole community that we are able to both nurture and inspire our children’s love of learning through the high-quality provision that we do today.”

The school also improved on its provision for SEND students, previously some of these children “struggled to access their learning and did not achieve the best possible outcomes”. Now, these pupils receive “effective support”, and “flourish and achieve well”, with staff being skilled at “identifying pupils’ educational needs and making necessary adaptations”.

According to the report, parents are “overwhelmingly positive about the education and care their children receive”.

The school’s achievements follows its last Ofsted inspection in 2022, when it was graded as ‘requires improvement’ for its overall effectiveness. However, from September 2024, Ofsted no longer makes an overall effectiveness judgement in inspections of state-funded schools.