MURRAY - The Murray Independent School District Board voted unanimously to set Murray High School graduation for Sunday, May 25, at the CFSB Center on the campus of Murray State University.
The Murray Middle School and Murray High School speech teams were recognized and introduced for their achievements, so far, this year.
Board members reported their attendance at the Kentucky School Boards Association’s annual conference in Louisville.
Unanimous approval was given to a policy revision concerning students, alternative education. The wording has changed to include all students, not just high school students only. The board also approved accepting the KETS offer of assistance in the amount of $14,895 which is to be matched by the district.
With no further business, the board adjourned to go into executive sessions to deal with personnel matters, possible litigation and acquisition or sale of property. Board members attending were Robyn Pizzo, Gina Winchester, Richard Crouch, Shawn Smee and Adam Seiber.
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