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Rick Albright watches a West Aurora-Naperville North sophomore boys basketball game at West Aurora High School in 2010. The West Aurora School District board recently voted to rename the gym at Jefferson Middle School in Aurora in Albright's honor due to his years as an educator and coach in the district. (Corey R. Minkanic / For the Chicago Tribune)
Rick Albright watches a West Aurora-Naperville North sophomore boys basketball game at West Aurora High School in 2010. The West Aurora School District board recently voted to rename the gym at Jefferson Middle School in Aurora in Albright’s honor due to his years as an educator and coach in the district. (Corey R. Minkanic / For the Chicago Tribune)

The West Aurora School District board recently approved the naming of the gym at Jefferson Middle School in Aurora in honor of retired West Aurora educator and coach Rick Albright.

Albright, a 1962 West Aurora High School alum, went on to have an “illustrious” career in the classroom as an instructor, and as a coach as well, district officials said.

The board formally recognized his contributions with a round of applause that included members of his family in the audience at the recent board meeting.

“Back in 1967, the district did something remarkable – you gave me a contract,” Albright said at the board meeting.

Albright shared memories from his experiences as an educator and coach. His salary as a first-year teacher was $5,400 a year, plus he received a stipend for coaching football, basketball and track.

“I enjoyed every minute,” Albright said.

The official dedication of the renamed gym will be held in October.

The naming of the Rick Albright Gymnasium at Jefferson Middle School is a fitting way to honor his lifelong service to the district, officials said. The recognition reflects the “immeasurable influence” he has had on the youth of the district, his students and the community as a whole, officials have said.

Albright said coaches in his youth were positive influences in his life and the reason he decided to become a coach himself.

“I can remember my first year of coaching and teaching at 23 years old. I had two daughters and lived three blocks from Franklin Junior High,” Albright said.

Albright thanked his wife and family for being a big part of his success.

“There were a lot of late dinners,” he said, adding family members were his best fans.

He also recognized the work of past assistant coaches he worked with and West Aurora High School Blackhawks broadcaster and former West Aurora board member Neal Ormond.

“Honoring Rick Albright’s legacy is important not only for his impressive personal achievements but also for the way his work continues to inspire new generations of students and athletes,” Jefferson Middle School Principal Jeff Bryant told The Beacon-News.

“The naming of the Rick Albright Gymnasium at Jefferson Middle School is a fitting tribute to his lifelong service and dedication,” Bryant said.

Albright earned a teaching degree in economics and social studies from Northern Illinois University. He taught for many years at Jefferson Middle School and Franklin Middle School in West Aurora School District, and continued to serve in the classroom as a substitute teacher for 16 more years after his retirement.

His dedication to the district was further reflected in his family ties. His children and some of his grandchildren attended schools within the district. He was also a Cub Scout master at Hill Elementary School and a church elder at Genesis Community Church for 55 years.

Albright is known for his “unmatched” coaching record in the district, officials said.

His career includes 33 seasons coaching middle school football where his teams won numerous city championships, 18 seasons coaching middle school track, 13 seasons of middle school boys and girls basketball and 23 seasons of high school boys basketball including five seasons as a freshmen coach and 17 seasons as a sophomore coach plus a season as a varsity coach.

In addition to school sports, Albright coached Little League, Pony League, youth soccer and softball during the summers, according to officials.

Albright worked on broadcasts of West Aurora football games for decades and West Aurora basketball games for 20 years on local radio stations.

He also officiated more than 500 contests in football, basketball and volleyball, including many at Jefferson Middle School, according to officials.

In 2022, Albright was inducted into the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame. Albright was inducted into the West Aurora Blackhawk Athletic Hall of Fame in 2015. He was honored with the Community Champions Award by the Compassion Foundation of Aurora for his lifetime efforts working with youth in the city in 2013, officials said.

Bryant said the renaming of the gym is an honor that Albright richly deserves.

“His enduring spirit and commitment to excellence offer a model for future educators, coaches and community leaders to follow,” Bryant said. “Through this recognition, we celebrate not just his accomplishments, but the lasting legacy he has created for West Aurora students and for the city that he has so selflessly served.”

Linda Girardi is a freelance reporter for The Beacon-News.