Biloxi High School engineering and robotics students preparing for competition
BILOXI, Miss. (WLOX)—Engineering students are getting hands-on lessons in computer design at Biloxi High.
“From that, they gain experience from electrical engineering, advanced robotics and how systems work both with physics and the mechanical parts of it,” robotics and engineering teacher Anthony Pitts said.
Pitts is preparing students to compete against others from across Mississippi and Alabama this weekend.
What’s at stake? Bragging rights.
The students who have been there before are looking forward to the experience.
“It’s exciting because you get to see other people’s robots and the different types of skills they are using throughout the competition,” Yareli Jimenez Vera said.
“Being with my friends and family was a really fun experience and everyone was beaming when we got to play with the robot in the competition,” Robin Gianelloni said.
The students are spending this week building their robots and practicing to make sure everything runs smoothly this weekend.
“I think we got that first mission course down pretty good. I think our challenge is probably going to be that second one, putting objects through baskets and hoops. I think that’s going to be a struggle, but I think we have it in the bag. I think we’re going to move on to regionals,” Abigail McCarthy said.
While Mr. Pitts continues to prepare his students for the big day, it’s the big picture that he really wants them to take away from the competition.
“Problem-solving can be fun. It’s not something that you don’t want to run from but want to run towards. Because when you’re a part of problem-solving, you’re a part of making a difference in this world. That’s why I’m so excited about this group of students I get to teach,” Mr. Pitts said.
“Having a hands-on learning experience really helps us out because it lets us have a good grasp on it,” Gianelloni said.
28 teams are competing this Saturday beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park Campus in Long Beach.
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