Cameron University is ready to host hundreds of high school students from across Oklahoma to the university’s annual FFA Interscholastic Meet, which takes place on Friday, April 11. 

The event helps agriculture students to hone their skills in areas ranging from practical animal science and agronomy to leadership and business while it prepares the students for the state competition. Cameron began hosting an ag-related interscholastic meet in 1947.

Participants will demonstrate their knowledge in a wide range of events: Ag Communications, Farm and Ranch Management, Land Judging, Homesite Evaluation, Food Science, Meat Evaluation, Milk Quality and Products, Ag Sales, Vet Science, Ag 1 Quiz Bowl, Animal Science Quiz Bowl and Spot Crops. Team awards will be announced at the end of the competition. 

Upon arrival at the Cameron campus, participants will assemble in Aggie Gym at 8 a.m. and will then disperse to various locations across campus for individual events. Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation will take place off campus. Snacks and lunch will be provided. 

To register, go to The cost to register is $25 per team per event.

For more information, contact the Cameron University Department of Agriculture, Biology and Health Sciences at 580-581-2373.

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