Amaroq uppgötvar tvær kvars-æðar með háum styrkleika gulls í Eagle’s Nest
/EIN News/ -- Reykjavík, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amaroq uppgötvar tvær kvars-æðar með háum styrkleika gulls í Eagle’s Nest
** Niðurstöður rannsókna staðfesta styrkleika allt að 54,5 g/t Au í Eagle’s Nest, í námunda við Nalunaq **
Amaroq Minerals Ltd. (AIM, TSXV, NASDAQ Iceland: AMRQ) tilkynnir niðurstöður úr sýnatökum í Eagle’s Nest, sem er innan Anoritooq rannsóknarleyfisins í Nanortalik gullbeltinu, í um 30 kílómetra fjarlægð frá Nalunaq gullnámunni.
Niðurstöðurnar staðfesta tilvist tveggja gullberandi kvars-æða. Rannsóknirnar eru hluti af áætlun Amaroq um að þróa eignir í námunda við Nalunaq til að nýta innviði og styðja við vinnslustöð svæðisins.
Helstu atriði
- Sýnatökur greindu styrkleika gulls upp í allt að 54,5 grömm á tonn í kvars-æðum.
- Tvær kvars-æðar voru greindar með samtals þykkt á bilinu 10-15 metra og halla undan um 105 metra.
- Talið er að sýnatökur fyrri ára, sem gáfu fjölda sýna með yfir 10 g/t af gulli, megi rekja til þessara æða.
- Fyrstu niðurstöður efnagreiningar gefa til kynna svipaðar bergmyndanir og í Nalunaq.
- Eagle’s Nest er eitt af níu rannsóknarverkefnum sem Amaroq hefur kortlagt innan Nanortalik gullbeltisins, í grennd við Nalunaq.
Frekari upplýsingar um rannsóknarniðurstöður frá Eagle’s Nest má nálgast í kynningu í eftirfarandi tengli: https://www.amaroqminerals.com/investors/presentations/
James Gilbertson, yfirmaður rannsókna hjá Amaroq:
“Þessar ánægjulegu niðurstöður úr Eagle’s Nest renna stoðum undir aðferðafræði okkar við rannsóknir á Nanortalik gullbeltinu. Uppgötvun á tveimur gullæðum með háum styrkleika gulls, ásamt jarðfræðilegum líkindum við Nalunaq námuna, gerir Eagle’s Nest að mikilvægu verkefni í eignasafni okkar. Við munum nú nýta þessar niðurstöður til að skilgreina enn betur aðferðafræði okkar við að þróa frekari auðlindir til að byggja undir starfsemi okkar í Suður-Grænlandi.”
Exploration Summary
A multi-day campaign involved specialist mountaineering teams accessing mountain terrain via helicopter to conduct systematic sampling across the southern face of Eagle’s Nest. Key objectives included testing the hypothesis that the observed veining is composed of gold-bearing orogenic quartz, and thus the source for a number of >10g/t Au float samples detected in the valley floor from prior exploration programmes. This theory is now supported by the results.
Samples included vein quartz and granitoids, consistent with regional geological mapping. Key findings include the identification of two gold sub-vertical quartz veins and visible geological features indicative of a dynamic mineralising system hosted within granodiorite and granite host rocks.
Next Steps
Amaroq plans to incorporate the findings from this campaign into its comprehensive exploration strategy for 2025, targeting further delineation of the identified gold veins. Advanced methods, including hyperspectral imaging and geophysical surveys, may be employed to refine exploration models and enhance resource definition efforts.
Strategic Satellite Target Development
Eagle’s Nest is one of nine satellite targets in proximity to Nalunaq. These include the previously drilled Vagar Ridge, with surface grades of up to 2,533g/t Au, alongside other reconnaissance targets, each demonstrating potential for significant orogenic gold deposits. By leveraging centralized exploration logistics and processing infrastructure, Amaroq aims to optimize resource utilization and enhance regional production capacity.
Amount Eagle’s Nest and the Nanortalik Gold Belt
Eagle’s Nest is situated on the Nanortalik Peninsula, within 30 km of the Nalunaq Gold Mine. Earlier reconnaissance exploration conducted in the area by Amaroq and others discovered a number of high grade boulder and float rocks with grade up to 34g/t Au, indicative of a significant mineralised system within the local catchment area. This target, located along the prolific Nanortalik Gold Belt, exemplifies the untapped mineral wealth of Southern Greenland and highlights Amaroq's strategic focus on high-grade gold opportunities in this world-class geological setting.
Amaroq Minerals Ltd.
Eldur Olafsson, Executive Director and CEO
Eddie Wyvill, Corporate Development
+44 (0)7713 126727
Panmure Liberum Limited (Nominated Adviser and Corporate Broker)
Scott Mathieson
Nikhil Varghese
Kieron Hodgson
+44 (0) 20 7886 2500
Canaccord Genuity Limited (Corporate Broker)
James Asensio
Harry Rees
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7523 8000
Camarco (Financial PR)
Billy Clegg
Elfie Kent
Fergus Young
+44 (0) 20 3757 4980
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Further Information:
About Amaroq Minerals
Amaroq’s principal business objectives are the identification, acquisition, exploration, and development of gold and strategic metal properties in South Greenland. The Company’s principal asset is a 100% interest in the Nalunaq Gold mine. The Company has a portfolio of gold and strategic metal assets in Southern Greenland covering the two known gold belts in the region as well as advanced exploration projects at Stendalen and the Sava Copper Belt exploring for Strategic metals such as Copper, Nickel, Rare Earths and other minerals. Amaroq Minerals is continued under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) and wholly owns Nalunaq A/S, incorporated under the Greenland Companies Act.
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Qualified Person Statement
The technical information presented in this press release has been approved by James Gilbertson CGeol, VP Exploration for Amaroq Minerals and a Chartered Geologist with the Geological Society of London, and as such a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

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